Russell Griffith-Marlin
Rigging and Animation Tech Artist
Orc Rig
Character textures and model
by Adam Eli
Rigging this character has been a wonderful experience and taught me so many new things as well using previous concepts in new ways! This character features a long hair rig and waist cloth rig for the animator to be able to shape the hair and cloth real time.
This is my most recent rigging project and is being updated daily to be brought into an animation currently in development.
Using this same concept... I was able to simplify the process and create active cloth that the animator can just do a pass on when they are ready. Giving full control to the animator and they only have to handle 2 controls.
It was difficult weight painting it to get the smoothest possible results but thanks to NgSkinTools I was able to achieve a nice set of weights that gives a nice even deformations around the cloth.
With the hair... needing to be adjustable real time with the animators needs the IK spline I planted in the hair joints seemed to allow for just that. Only to pick a direction with the base triangles then using the cube and square controls to pull the hair how ever is needed.
This setup also gave some animation relief since the hair is now IK and it's end squares are driven by the upper chest and the roots by the head the hair now stays in place but can follow with the head when rotated in any direction.
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